Terms of use

Recommended environment

For Windows® users

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 11or higher, Edge(the latest version)
  • Google Chrome (the latest version)
  • Mozilla Firefox (the latest version)For Macintosh users

For Macintosh users

  • Safari (the latest version)
  • Google Chrome (the latest version)
  • Mozilla Firefox (the latest version)
  • Note that Seiko Time Systems guarantees the operation of only the Japanese version of the three browsers named.
  • Note that some pages may display differently in different operating systems or browsers.
  • This site uses JavaScript in part. To use this site, please enable your JavaScript setting.

Required plugins

Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 or higher, or Adobe Reader

PDF format files like "catalogue" and "manual" are avalable to view with Adobe Reader(freeware).

Smartphone recommended environment

Android 4.4+

  • Standard browser

iOS 9,10

  • Mobile Safari

Even in the recommended environment, display errors may occur due to differences such as OS.


The site operator

The Seiko Time Systems website (which we refer to below as our website, at http://www.seiko-sts.co.jp/) is owned and operated by Seiko Time Systems Inc.

Personal information

Seiko Time Systems Inc. treats personal information on our website based on our Personal Information Protection Policy (Japanese) and Website Privacy Policy which were established in compliance with the Act concerning Protection of Personal Information of Japan.


Copyrights to the content on our website (including all information, data, images, and audio) belong to Seiko Time Systems Inc. unless specified otherwise. From the standpoint of applicable laws and regulations, secondary use of the content of the site for purposes of reproduction, conversion, or sale is not permissible without the permission of the copyright holder.


The trademarks used on our website belong to Seiko Time Systems Inc. or to right holders for whom their use has been authorized by Seiko Time Systems Inc.

Limitation of liability

Seiko Time Systems Inc. places information on its website with the utmost care and attention. However, we offer no assurances whatsoever regarding the accuracy and security of that information. In addition, we are able to accept no liability whatsoever for software or hardware difficulties or other losses incurred through the use of our website. The contents on our website and its URL may be modified or discontinued without notice. We ask for your acknowledgement in advance. We will bear no liability for any losses incurred through the modification of information or the interruption or discontinuation of the operation of our website for any reason whatsoever.

Publishing the URL of our website in the media

  • Placements in publications including magazines, books, and advertisements

We ask that you kindly contact us by using the contact form before doing so.

  • Placements in e-mail newsletters

URL placements are allowed. No prior contact is necessary. However, the citing of content details or images is not permitted.

Links on our website

Links on our website are free, but we ask that you contact us by using the contact form in advance if you would like to have a link. Links from sites that are offensive to public order and morals are not permissible, however. In addition, links may not be allowed for some other reason, regardless of whether it is before or after the fact. File names and hierarchical structures may also be modified without notice, so please keep that in mind when you have a link made to anything other than the Seiko Time Systems Inc. top page.

URL notation

We ask that you write out the URL for our website in the following manner when including it in web content, publications, literature, or documents.
